The real problem

Sellers selling their soul

Sellers are stereotyped as sleazy, pushy pests who only care about their commission.

And often they live up to that reputation.

So I believe most salespeople focus too much on their targets but what they really have is a spiritual problem.

They don’t respect themselves and they don’t respect their customers as they:

❌ Talk about their product features and not the customer’s challenges

❌ Send the same automated email to thousands of people

❌ Give the same generic demo with no customer research

❌ Rely on email as they’re scared to pick up the phone

❌ Use jargon like “best of breed” and “streamline”

Instead they should:

✅ Be curious and interested to learn about the buyer’s goals and challenges

✅ Share personalised and relevant information with the buyer

✅ Tailor every demo to the actual needs of the buyer

✅ Use a combination of sales channels including the phone, direct mail, social, videos and voice notes

✅ Be specific and to the point, ideally using stories and statistics to back up what they say

These 5 points are BASIC but based on training thousands of salespeople, the bar is so so low.


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