
& sales?

You’ve probably heard of the serenity prayer:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two.”

But why on earth am I mentioning this with regards to B2B sales?

It’s not a wise lesson just for religious people, alcoholics or addicts. It's a great motto for anyone and especially salespeople.

You can only control what you say and how you act. But buyers are 100% in control of their decision and hate being cornered. Pushy sellers are why sales is seen as a "sleazy" profession.

Here are 7 low-friction questions that give the customer more control:

1) Is what I showed at all relevant for you?

2) The pricing is X. How does that sound to you?

3) What concerns do you have?

4) You asked for a follow up email. What would you like to see in it?

5) You said this is more for 2025. What will you work on in the meantime?

6) You mentioned you're speaking to another vendor. How does this compare?

7) You mentioned your colleague Stacey. What would concern her?

BONUS - 2 questions for customers ghosting you:

8) Is this no longer a priority?

9) Did you decide to defer the project?

Some buyers hate to let you down, so proactively give them a way out.

Want more questions like this? Feel free to DM me.


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