
the under-rated superpower

In January 2024, I was complaining that LinkedIn was “broken” and organic reach was way down. 

My number of views for January 2024 was far lower than both Jan 2023 and Jan 2022.

BUT I thought LinkedIn is still a free tool where many of my ideal buyers spend time so I’ll keep posting anyway.

I also made the decision to start increasing my volume of posts from 5x a week to 8x a week.

6 months later from just 2 posts, I generated over 3.5 million views.

More views than the whole of my 2023 posts combined.

Consistency was clearly the key here.

Steve Judge talks about how consistency and not making excuses was the key to changing his life.

Doctors told him that he’d never be able to walk again. 

But 9 years later he became a world champion in the paratriathlon.

Learn more about his story here


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